Our Workout Videos Put Together By Specialists To Help You Get Active And Stay Injury-Free.
Add some twists to your training routine to improve core strength. The Bauerfeind Sports Back Support can help stabilize and massage your back while doing this exercise.
1. Begin seated with your knees bent and arms behind your head with elbows pointing outward.
2. Lean your torso back: your back and legs create a 45° angle or V-shape. Bring your chest up and your shoulders back and down. The back stays straight.
3. Engage your core as you twist side to side.
4. Breathe deeply. Exhale with each twist and inhale returning to center to complete the repetition.
5. Complete ten reps on each side and repeat these sets according to your ability.
Variation: Lift your legs slightly off the ground for more difficulty.
Primary muscles: Abs
Secondary muscles: Obliques, Lats
If you are pregnant consult with your doctor if this core exercise is right for you.
About Olympic Gold Medalist Thomas Roehler:

Thomas Roehler is a professional track and field athlete competing in javelin throw. He is a 2016 Olympic Gold Medalist with a personal best of 93.90 m. With a passion about fitness Thomas is showing us some of his favorite exercise to start the year with healthy habits and achieve your goals whether you are just getting started or have been working out for a long time.
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